0232 Clipper Place
Stirling Ranch Subdivision
Missouri Heights,
Carbondale, Colorado
Year Built: 2008-2009
Main Living: 2485 sq ft
Upper Living: 1500 sq ft
Total Living: 3985 sq ft
Garage: 760 sq ft
Photos: Brent Moss Photography
This 4 bed, 4 bath house is sited in an island of juniper and scrub oak surrounded by a sea of sage. The building mass is a series of fingers, which capture and separate the view from their respective wings: living, dining, master, and caretaker. The exterior is a montage of familiar ranch / mountain structures and materials consisting of reclaimed barn wood
"Jess was very easy to work with and was
very open to my input into the project. He
has a very contemporary spin on the design
that really suited my personal style."